Boiling Mountain

The mountain is full of boiling larva
It is full of accumulated hurtful words
A pain that is beyond description
The time of explosion hasn’t came
But it is still under control

Suddenly, the final end has come
Being wrongfully accused explodes the mountain
The mountain blasts out
Returning the hurtful words to the speaker

But it is not the end
The deep larva hasn’t came out
It is still there boiling deep inside the core of the mountain.

The mountain choose to stay calm
Not wanting to hurt the speaker
Though she is still in pain

She is waiting for the speaker to dig the core larva
But, he doesn’t seem to care
Doesn’t seem to understand
Doesn’t even to ask why
She is still hoping
Hoping he will do so

Blaming without cause
Wrongfully accused

Those cause the fire mountain to burst out
Then rain downpours the exploded larva
Though it can’t fully calm the larva, which is deep inside the core of the mountain.

Inspiration On: Saturday, 04 June 2011