What Am I?

What am I?
What am I?
Am I a ball to be tossed around?

What am I?
What am I?
Am I a child who is tossed around?

What am I?
What am I?
Am I a wife who is tossed away after giving birth?

What am I?
What am I?
Am I mentee to be tossed around?

What am I?
What am I?
Am I to be hurt and keep quiet?

What am I?
What am I?
Am I to be bullied and made fun of?

I care about others’ feelings
I love to make things easy for others
I know how it feels to be hurt
I give and give
I drained

What am I?
What am I?
Yes, I’m a child of God
In Jesus I find solace

Inspiration On: Sunday, 23 August 2015 at 11:59pm

What am I? Am I supposed to be tossed around, Lord? All my parents care is for me to get married instead of letting me gain financial independence first. I thought my husband can understand me but believes his mother’s false accusations. I’m utterly disappointed when I heard my dad to mention a fact. It is a fact that my son is a child who is used to checkmate two sides. Deep down, I am so hurt. Deep down, I wish my friend’s business plan to work out so that i can bring my child to work. It is to produce media and books for children. Her long term goal is to employ senior citizens and mothers (housewives, widows and the single mothers). Though a man gives out his own perspectives of marriage breakdown, he only cares about men’s opinion.

On the day I withdraw myself from my husband, he mentioned that he wanted to glue the broken vase to save the marriage. What does he means? I thought he often loved to threaten divorce to get his way. What do you think?

Everyday, he loves to find fault when things are done correctly. Recently, he was furious when I wanted to buy a soya sauce. The reason I want to buy soya sauce was to make a red chilli sauce. Instead of believing me, he insisted on his own presumptions. Then I don’t bother him at all.

Wish you all have good days and thank you.