Stiffer punishment against animals abuse in Singapore petition

A friend sends me a petition to protect our furry friends in Singapore. The reason I love dogs due to its loyalty to the owners. A new thing to learn that dogs are the creature that get excited with its owners. Such abuse is heart-wrenching. I have been through difficult times as well especially when some people doesn’t keep their promises despite wanting my loyalty. It comes to the point of disappointment and rage. Forgive them is good for me. It comes to the point that I do not want to believe them and create boundaries. However, some people really keep their word and make the effort. Thus, I respect them.

I just want this petition to stop the animal abuse. Is there a better way than this? Is stiffer punishment a better way?

Women with Undiagnosed High Functioning Autism

During my attendance to night art classes, I get to befriend two classmates. I share to them my experiences in life. The need to be a chameleon in social situations. Suddenly, today’s High functioning autism why many women are undiagnosed article triggers such memories. I’m surprised the reason I use “chameleon” as a metaphor. Because I have been trying to fit in but to no avail. 

Thursday’s Doors ~ Stratford on the Whetstone, part 2

When do we become the “salt of the earth”?


The grass so green evokes imaginary

memories of farming, milling,

with families living in close-knit

industrious community.

Sacred ground, when people were

“the salt of the earth.”

As I had noticed Dutch symbols

upon the barn, the total setting

leaves purposeful, productive

lasting impressions

upon my mind.

# # # # #

Photo taken by Robin,

simple story of monthly

passage by this beautiful

pastoral setting by her, too.

Although not a door on this post,

I would like to remind visitors

to check out other doors,

Norm Frampton, cordial

host’s blog located at:

Hope y’all enjoyed a little history

and could smell the clover, grass

and rich soil of Delaware, OH land!

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Why Do Girls Show Signs of Autism Later Than Boys?Written by Dan Gray

Things are confusing especially in social situations. The article Why Do Girls Show Signs of Autism Later Than Boys? helps to have a better self-understanding. The reason the characteristics and diagnosis show up later age in girls. 

Is it due to women are created differently than men? Based on my interactions with other women, a strong women still wish to be protected by their husbands. Confessions of my personal experiences are 😳

  1. In the poetry social group, I begin to pick up poetry. 
  2. A classmate whom I like enjoys coding, I learn to pick up the skills. 
  3. Getting married due to pressure from my parents.
  4. Care the weak for my Lord Jesus becomes my motivating factor.  
  5. Learn art better from teachers and friends.
  6. Sensing certain feelings after interacting with certain people. (I happen to meet a longtime friend. Suddenly, after confiding she angrily purging out foul words. After we part our ways to home, foul words talking in my head. So I quickly reject it in the name of Jesus. Listen to worship songs help me.)
  7. Worshipping God through their acts of kindness attract me to the persons. 😳 

Upon knowing my weaknesses, I choose to be careful in whom I spend my time. Because I don’t want to lose myself. I want the Holy Spirit to be with me.