Lead The Way

O Lord
Lead me to the business partner
Lead the business partner to me
For the expansion of Your kingdom
Seeking Your kingdom and righteousness
Protect my family

Inspiration On: Sunday, 24 January 2016

While in the bus to the zoo, I spot there are two doves amongst the gray pigeons on the vast grasses. I feel so delighted and comforted that I am not going to be alone in the business anymore. Lord, I am hoping to find the business partner. Lord, please lead the person to me and lead me to the person.

At night, my husband calls to his hometown and connect our son to talk to his mother. Whenever he presses the telephone loudspeaker, my husband raises his voice to our son. Today, he switches on the music and let our son talk on the phone. Is he playing politics again? Normally, he doesn’t switch on music. Is something amiss?

Wish you all have good days and thank you.

Tears of Hurt

Tears of grief
Tears of hating conflict
Tears of dislike to hurt
The need to confront
Someone who brags
Someone who lies
A jealous filled person
Driven by green eyes heart
My heart hurts for her
Before speaking to her
But without confront her lies
The more she stirs and messes my house

O Lord, You have heard
Heard her lies
You have heard my confidant’s advice
O Lord, You have heard Sennacherib’s blasphemies
You have delivered King Hezekiah from Sennacherib
Please, O Lord, deliver me from this braggart
Please, O Lord, guide my speech
Please, O Lord, rescue me from this mental anguish
Please, rescue me
Save me from this dilemma
Please tell me what I should do, O Lord
Her words are killing everyone
Her words are destroying everyone
I don’t want her to destroy my family

O Lord, I beseech Your guidance
For I trust in Your deliverance

Inspiration On: Tuesday, 16 July 2013 at 4:15am to 4:44am

My friend called and shared to me and asked me to write for her and ask what she should do. Though I was speechless, I put myself in her shoes, birth me this poetry. I feel speechless. This is her story, “The song ‘I Surrender’ by Celine Dion spoke to my heart and my tears of grief overflows to my Lord seeking His deliverance. Though I dislike the liar’s speeches and actions, the desire not to hurt her was laid bare to my Lord. My confidant suggested to me that it was time to confront the guest before the situation got out of hand. Those who disapprove her lies are my neighbour, helper and even a weekday beverage deliverer. But I still believe in God’s wisdom and Hand of guidance. My mind and heart is confused in what I should do.What should she do? Your feedback is most appreciated.” This reminded me of 2 Kings 18:12-37 where King Hezekiah cried to the Lord of host.