Lost Self

Hidden self
Lost voice
Lost self
Return and Haunt
Shattering the shackles
With Christ’s grace and strength

Inspiration On: Friday, 29 May 2015 at 7:07pm

Self understanding is the most confusing part of my life. Recently, the lost self returns, pray to The Lord and is preparing to do self defense. It is lost due to run over by abusive and spoilt people. I blame myself to care too much. Wish you all have good days and thank you.

Loathe Life

Just a few judgmental words
The buried excruciating past

As the past haunts deeply
The perception towards the speaker

Overcomed with the dread of being
Taken advantage
Auto self-protection switches on

Either flight or fight
Own’s foolishness to be too trusting

Another self awaits to
Triumphantly build fences of boundaries

Inspiration On: Wednesday, 31 April 2015 at 9pm

My friends and I are facing issues of others entering our boundaries. Foolishly, we are being taken advantage. But we realize it too late. Wish you all have good days and thank you.

Daunt Flaunt Haunt Taunt

Haunted by the past
Daunted by the future
Taunted by those who know-it-all
Can’t stand those who flaunt arrogantly

Is life full of the haunted past pains?
Do future life is daunted with fear?
Why do we are taunted by others?
Who want to be flaunted?

No wonder the world is full of hurts.

Inspiration On: Friday, 29 November 2013 at 9:40pm
Inspiration Ends On: Thursday, 7 August 2014 at 1:38pm

Toni Andrukaitis’ email of concern helps me to work on my writing block. Her recent post What the heck Wednesday helps me to get up again. Flipping to my writing blocks, more inspiration comes through past experiences and my fear feelings of the future. Thank you, Toni, for your concern. Wish you all have good days and thank you.