
Listen to many perspectives
Enter into many perspectives
Experience many perspectives

Stuck in many perspectives
Pulled in many directions
Always changing directions
Stretch myself into many directions
Spread myself too thin

Here I stand
At the central of
Many opened circular doors
Overwhelmed with mountainous information

Overwhelmed with many new high mountains
Confusion sets in

Which path?
Which direction?
Which way?

Calling out
Reaching out
To my Lord and Saviour

Save me
Help me
Clear my mind

Fix my perspective
Position my career direction
To the only direction

With the right environment
With the right people
Where respect, unity and teamwork dwells

Let me in tune with
My inner-self
My Self-awareness

Inspiration On: Saturday, 26 August 2017
Edited On: Tuesday, 29 August 2017

As I am deciding the path of my career, I feel so confused with many people’s opinions about the career I am choosing. Thus, hearing their perspectives, feelings and opinions affect me a lot. Thus birthing this poetry as I call to my Lord’s help before making any decision. Wish you all have good days and thank you.


Others’ ideas
Others’ viewpoints
Others’ opinions
Others’ perspectives
Others’ perceptions
Others’ thinkings
Others’ expectations

Own idea
Own viewpoint
Own opinion
Own perspectives
Own perceptions
Own thinkings
Own expectations

Simply being aware
Whose thinking
Enable self
To be more
To make

Inspiration On: Monday, 31 July 2017
Edited On: Saturday, 12 August 2017

Living according to parents’ expectations can be good or bad. Some parents desire their will upon their child to stay at home. However, not every child can stand at home. Undermining the child’s authority brings disaster upon the child’s child mindset towards the mother. Being stuck in between is an excruciating pain. I agree some values but not all. Because some parents want to choose career for their children. I can’t accept such notions. Wish you all have good days and thank you.

Crossroad of Choices

At the crossroad of choices
Surrounded by mountains of career paths
Weighing the beginning and destination
Time to make decisions
Make frantic effort to adjust time
Energy tank signaling rapid depletion
Realizing distraction through humans
Asking the Lord for help through human guidance and discipline
Seeking His intervention

Inspiration On: Friday, 28 April 2017

The piles of work I have been doing seems daunting. Countless attempt to stand up. Loneliness sets in. I have been pouring out to God for someone whom I can discuss with. The budget I come out with is over-budget. I feel so powerless. Doing work slow me down. I feel so thankful to God to do part-time work as a teacher. The Lord knows that I am learning to manage myself and have issue to manage the students. He knows my fear of being bullied. Today I ask my lead instructor how to sound firm. He feels that I should know when I sound firm. Oh, I feel so speechless. I can feel that my energy depletes rapidly. Is it due to me learning to manage 40 students in an hour? Wish you all have good days and thank you.


Given another choice
Offered counsel and help nearby house
Nothing else deter me
Yesterday’s church
According to the Lord’s leading and comfort
Through dreams

Inspiration On: Sunday, 15 November 2015

A prayerful pastor to listen to my woes and problems; pray for me for the Lord’s will be done through me. She comforts me that it is kept confidential. I choose another church through God’s leading though I prefer smaller churches. Finally, I have the courage to confess the false accusations onto my son from his own dad. His pet fish’s death accused to my son. Until my son shouted to be wrongfully accused.

Wish you all have good days and thank you.

Why Do You?

Why do you come into my life?
Why do you come to mess my life?

Why are you jealous of me?
Your grades are better then mine.
You have smarter brain than I am.

Why are you so suspicious of me?
Where do I give you misunderstanding?
I just want to bless you surprisingly.

Why do you use my weakness to put me down?
I thought you are my confidant.
There is so much thing I want to share with you.

My lips are tight
I can not trust you

Why I can not trust you?
Because you lie to me!
Because you add wounds to my salt!
Make my life like a hell!

Why do you believe the devil’s lies?
Do you love to misjudge others?
Do you still live in your mother’s cloud of influence and decision?

Why do you take advantage of my naiveness?
Why do you take advantage of my confusion?
Why do you love to put your words into others’ mouth?
I can not believe your words anymore.

Inspiration On: Thursday, 21 May 2015 at 12pm

A lot of strange events occur in my life. When I mean well, my mother in law and husband misunderstood me. When I begin to trust him again and confide in him, he betray my trust. Maybe I look highly of him. Every year, my mother in law gave warnings of divorce threats to me. Then my husband always let me to make the decisions. When the result of my decision turns out well, no appreciation. Yet when the result of my decision is wrong, he always pick on me and put me down. I have felt worse. Yet he makes me feel much worse. Despite my parents warning, I feel foolish to pity my mother in law. But she falsely accused my mother and I out of her jealousy. Recently, my husband loves to start to the quarrel and blame me. Wish you all have good days and thank you.


Brushing own opinion aside
Casting own voice away
Dragged by others’ decision
Am I voiceless?

Too caring?
Too concern?
Living in accordance to others’ voice
Am I voiceless?

Unwilling to hurt others’ feelings
But I am hurting inside
Alive but voiceless
Losing myself
Loneliness rule

Voicing out
Only to be rejected
Only to be misunderstood
Loneliness rule

Taken for granted?
Taken advantaged?
Loneliness rule
Am I voiceless?

Am I voiceless . . . ?
Are my opinions worthless?
Does ………
……. anybody
……………….. care?

Inspiration On: Monday, 21 April 2014 from 12:45am to 4:38am

Current upheaval life from inside and outside rubbed salt into my past pain and worsened it deeply. Thus, such feelings evokes and birthing out this poetry. Wish you all have good days and thank you for reading my poetry.


Thursday, 23 January 2014
1. Live under the decision of others
2. My indecisiveness cost my current situation

Tuesday, 11 February 2014
The cycle of life is continuum

Friday, 14 February 2014
An indecisive freak is lost forever

During attending a talk, the speaker introduced about the Six Word Submission at and gave the participants papers to write their own six words about life. The above birthed out of my own life experience. Do participate in its creative ways to describe about lives and other stuffs. Enjoy.