If Not For Jesus!

If not for Jesus, I would take matter into my hands!
If not for Jesus, I would leave you!
If not for my Lord, I would have commit suicide!
If not for my Lord, I would avoid you!
If not for my Saviour, I only give you one chance!
If not for my Saviour, I would lock my door!
If not for my God, I would bark!

Yet you barge into my fence of boundaries!
Yet you take me for granted!
Yet you enjoy hurting me more!
Your ACTIONS and WORDS are inconsistent!
You always beat around the bush!

What do you WANT from me?!
I feel sick of your arrogance!
You cause me to fall into the pit of depression!
You give me the joy of life
You share your faith in Jesus
You give me the hope of
“Two is better than one”
A close confidant

If not for Jesus, I would not trust you!
If not for my Lord, I would not forgive you!
If not for my Saviour, I would forsake you!
I have enough!

Inspiration On: Thursday, 21 May 2015 at 12:15pm

This is the sequel to Why Do You? poetry. You have read the previous journey of my poetry. My heart and trust are fully broken. Wish you all have good days and thank you.

Sandwich Life Sanctuary

Pressed tightly from both sides
Pressed from Left and right
Pressed from Up and down
Heart turns to pancake
Mental anguish
Hurting inside
Hot inside
Clenching fists
Internal anger blasts out
Hurting tongues and everyone.

Protected from both sides
Protected from Left and right
Protected from Up and down
Hearts feel protected
Mentally healthy
Safe inside
Love dwells
Inner peace radiates
Inner love reaches out to
Heal the hurting hearts.

Two extremes of family life.
Do we do so?

Inspiration On: Sunday, 19 May 2013 at 8:08am
Inspiration Ends On: Monday, 20 May 2013 at 2:20pm

Whenever I crossed the road with my husband and son, we let our son at the middle. This generally is a good safety. Suddenly, this concept also let me relate it with pancake. Pancake is baked where the liquid is poured onto a molten plate then presses it with another molten plate. It hurt my Tongue if I eat hot food and drinks. The idea of pancake is likened to people who lived in a difficult position. Anger may set in and dwells in those people if they are not careful with their hearts. It is too much for the people who give such people a hard time especially between spouse and in laws, between divorced couple. Mental anguish and depression is great for the one being the sandwich especially children.

Poetry & Illustration

Imagination runs wild
Observing every surroundings

Emit out via

Nib of pen on a piece of paper
Line by line
Writing a poetry
Pictures from mind

Paper in the typewriter
Alphabets stick onto papers
Line by line
Writing a poetry

Computer keyboard
Jotting in poetry
Alphabet by alphabet
Word by word
Line by line.

Nib of pen on a piece of paper
Illustrating pictures

Drawing tablet
Illustrating pictures.

Inspiration On: Thursday, 7 March 2013 at 12:14am

I don’t know what is going on in my mind. I’m a visual person and often being tongue-tied when I’m panic. And now I’m writing poetry. I don’t know what God has in store for me. Weird. Every words begin to fall and drop into my mind. But I still thank God for this experience.

Pulling & Boiling

Pull! Pull!
Boil! Boil!


Pulling strings
Strings of nerve.
Throw coals
Coals to burn.

Nerve strings SNAP!
Lava BURST forth!
Anger outburst!

Don’t increase people’s anger.

Inspiration On: Wednesday, 16 January 2013 at 2:27pm
Inspiration Ends On: Thursday, 17 January 2013 at 3:30pm

My son was whining on the trolley wanting to go out. He could not wait to go out. I told him in an infuriated tone that his outing will be cancelled if he continued whining. Finally, he kept quiet.

Road User

Cycling on the road
Accident may occurs anytime

Cycling on pedestrian footpath
Furious pedestrians reluctantly to give way

Why is the cyclist face with the dilemma to cycle on the road or on pedestrian foothpath?
Why is it unfair for the cyclists?
Cyclists are also taxpayers
Though not as prosperous as car drivers.

Why the government build road?
Why the government build pedestrian footpath?
Why the governments refuse to build more cyclist path?

In the past, the road was full of cyclists.
But now, the road belongs to the car and motorbike drivers.

Does the country want to have
Treasure of contentment?
Treasure of happiness?
Treasure of satisfaction?
Treasure of dollars?
Treasure of world war three?
Treasure of stresses?
Treasure of depression?
Treasure of anger?
Treasure of suicides?
Treasure of reckless drivers?

Inspiration On: Wednesday, 22 February 2012 at 6:40pm
Revised On: Thursday, 23 February 2012 at 1:23am

As I was pondering about the current society and compare it with the agricultural era, a lot of things are replaced tremendously. People depends more on machines and put less emphasize on manual labour. Farmers and livestock rearing are considered living in a backward society. I don’t think so. Without them, how will we have food to eat? Why do we look down on them? They are living an honest living. Though physically they are healthier than us, they seem to care for one another. In an urban society, we use a lot of mental energy to design and develop machines to aid us and leave the work of developing the machines to the one who has more physical strength. In the end, we are lack of physical fitness. But another type of machines is developed to make us exercise. Isn’t it a funny situation? We start to cut down eating carbohydrates, oil, sugar, salt, and many other things. Some doesn’t dare to eat too much until some becomes anorexic. Don’t our bodies need exercise?